
COVID-19: Back to the workplace

COVID-19: Back to the workplace

Covid-19 Back to the workplace

So can we start work again?

The Coronavirus Covid-19 lock down of the last few months was designed to minimise the risk of the virus overwhelming the NHS, we were told to stay home and stay safe. Now most of us have had enough of "stay at home" and are looking forward to returning to the workplace - but we still need to stay safe. Of course, a few might have been happy with an enforced leave of absence from work but for most of us the end of lockdown can't come too soon. In fact, it's reported that the lockdown has for some resulted in depression or impacted their mental health.

Thankfully we are slowly returning to the workplace despite the dreadful Coronavirus Covid-19 being still with us.  

In the construction industry we face particular challenges we need to be aware of and take pragmatic steps to help us get back to work safely. 

What are the signs and symptoms of covid 19 ?

The common symptoms of Coronavirus Covid-19 can be very like those of many other cold and flu viruses - e.g. coughing and sneezing, sore throat, headache. This makes it difficult to be sure that an illness is  

caused by Coronavirus Covid-19 and in some cases it can be even be confused with hay fever symptoms. 

There are though particular signs the NHS look out for which may indicate more clearly Coronavirus Covid-19 infection including:

  • a new continuous cough - this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours ( If you normally have a cough it may be worse than usual)

  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste - this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

  • a high temperature - this means you feel hot to touch on your front or back 

Of course, if you suspect Coronavirus Covid-19 infection you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

The good news is that for the majority of those infected the symptoms are usually mild or even not apparent (asymptomatic) although it should be noted asymptomatic people can pass the virus on to others.

For an unfortunate minority though Coronavirus Covid-19 can cause more severe symptoms like shortness of breath and advanced respiratory problems which may require hospital medical care. Sadly a small minority of those hospitalised will die.

Coronavirus Covid-19 advice for employers 

Stay at home, lock down and social distancing has enabled the Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic to be managed to the extent that we no longer have to mandate absence from work. But the return to work also needs to be closely managed and controlled to make sure that everyone stays safe and minimises risk in the working environment. Here are some things employers should consider:

  • Create a Coronavirus Covid-19 management plan and communicate it to employees, subcontractors and site visitors

  • Ensure everyone continues to practice social distancing by keeping at least 2 metres apart at work, or travelling to and from work. This is particularly important on public transport.

  • Try to avoid confined spaces when others are present

  • Work as much as possible outdoors including when eating or holding meetings

  • Encourage working from home wherever practical 

  • Use flexible working to minimise the number of people on site at any one time

  • Use online meeting systems 

  • As much as possible do not share equipment 

  • Consider the implications of Coronavirus Covid-19 on staff terms and conditions and employment contracts

And of course - maintain good hygiene, disinfect surfaces and wash hands regularly.

Stay safe

Kind regards,

The team at MGS Construction.

COVID-19 & Safely returning to the workplace

Following the recently revised Covid-19 Government guidance that workplaces within designated sectors should now begin to return to work, you will need to consider what possible changes are required to your working environment to keep employees and visitors safe. 

For many people, returning to the workplace is a positive and exciting time – a step towards a sense of normality. However, for others, it can be daunting and it is how the return to work is handled that can make all the difference, both to the employee and your organisation.

 Drawing upon our experience of interpreting Client’s workplace requirements, MGS Construction can now offer swift Coronavirus Covid-19 compliant workplace solutions, with minimal disruption to your business and employees allowing the transition back to work safely to be as smooth as possible.

 The services we offer, which can also be incorporated as part of regular and future fit out works to ensure compliance include:

·      Alterations to office, seating and desk arrangements to ensure working distances are adhered to 

·      Adaptions to form drop off and collection areas

·      Supply and installation of plastic shields where employees are interacting with the public 

·      Adaptions to form one-way systems within workspaces to restrict the amount of cross over 

·      Installing hand sanitizer dispensers & hand washing stations throughout the workplace

·      Adaptations to entrances and exits to allowed staggered access and egress

·      Installation of no-touch or low touch doors, switches and access control

·      Installation of PPE stations within the workplace

·      Installation of demarcation routes and safety signage 

·      Design, supply and installation of bespoke integrated solutions to maintain your workplace design ethos

 In addition to existing workplace adaptations, we recognise that working from home in some capacity is likely to form part of working life for many people and organisations from now on. 

Having a dedicated home workspace aids efficient and positive working, and MGS construction are able to provide you with bespoke solutions, allowing working from home and the working environment to run in parallel.

 These include:

·      Adaptations to existing areas to form home offices & general workspace

·      Conversion of existing outbuildings & garages into home offices & shared use areas

·      Construction of extensions and outbuildings to form home office spaces & workshops etc.

If you would like to discuss how we can assist with your return to work or working from home project, please do not hesitate to get in touch and speak to one of our specialists.

Kind regards,

The team at MGS Construction.

01462 768317

The Benefits of a Local Construction Company

When it comes to building work you need to work with a local construction company. They’re the only people you should be dealing with. Whether it’s a refurbishment project, an extension or a new build, their skills are crucial. Any building work needs to be completed to a high standard to ensure it not only meets your expectations, but is also safe and secure. Peace of mind, therefore, is crucial. And a team of professionals will deliver this in a manner which exceeds your expectations.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of a local construction company:

·      Excellent Communication: Working with a local construction company guarantees that communication is quick and easy. A contractor who is located in a different region may be available on the phone, but what if you can’t get hold of them? Do you really want to drive an hour to their premises? With a local contractor you can rest assured that you can easily locate them. Estimates and quotes, therefore, can be finalised more quickly. And any on-site issues, if they arise, can be quickly rectified.


·      Their Work is Available to View:It’s always a good idea to take a look at similar projects a construction company has completed. But this isn’t easy when they haven’t completed work in your area before. Sure, they can show you photos, but this never tells the whole story. A major benefit of a local construction company is that examples of their work will be located nearby. This proximity allows you to develop an understanding of the quality on offer and what a finished project looks like. 


·      More Cost Effective:When it comes to any building project there is one factor which is more important than any other: budget. The problem with working with out of town contractors is the distance involved. Extra costs generated by this scenario involve increased transport costs and out of area labour rates. And these can soon push you over budget and threaten the completion of your project. It makes much more sense to work with a local construction company. Logistic costs are significantly reduced and your cost planningcan remain on track.


·      Adherence to Local Practices:Construction work can be complex. But the practices and regulations surrounding it can be even more complex. A contractor from the other side of the country may provide amazing workmanship, but can they comply with local codes and practices? A local construction company will work to these regulations every week and know them inside out. And this guarantees that your project won’t be penalised for breaching local rules.


·      Better Scheduling: A local construction company will find it easier to fit you into their schedule. The main issue with out of area contractors is that their resources are also located out of area. Relocating all of these resources is difficult and time consuming. And this is why they may struggle to accommodate your project during the timeframe you require. Sticking with a local company avoids these pitfalls and keeps your project on schedule.


A local construction company is clearly the best way forward for any building project. With fewer obstacles in place, and a more cost effective approach, a local contractor guarantees that your project will remain hassle free and be completed on time. 


If you’re interested to hear more about how we can support with your next project, don’t hesitate to get in touch.